return clients make me happy!
When I get an instagram message from a client telling me they are expecting and want to get on the newborn photography due date calendar, my heart literally melts!! {okay, not LITERALLY – that would mean I have a heart of ice and if that heart melted I’d be heartless!}
Big brothers Kohen and Madden's newborn photography
I love the creative ideas we get to play with! Kohen’s Ninja Turtle set is still one of my favorites! Getting to stretch outside of my norm was a lot of fun! Mom filled out our newborn pre-session questionnaire so I knew what to expect. I took pizza boxes down to a local alley with my lights and camera a few days before the session.
Then when Kohen came in for his session I had the exact set up ready for him in studio! I obviously didn’t want to take a newborn baby into an alley!
Madden came in with his Flash costume. I needed to do a little research to make the lighting bolt on the cape in photoshop!

Nori’s theme was baseball!! We got to use some of my very favorite sports props that fit perfectly in a newborn’s hand and are designed specifically for newborn photography!

Choosing to be in a service industry has so many benefits. One of those is falling in love with the clients you serve. In newborn photography you are holding a client’s most prized possession. I take that responsibility very seriously.
Nori's newborn photography

Sometimes older siblings need a little persuasion to be part of the picture!! With Kohen and Madden it took all the tricks during the session and a few more tricks in photoshop, but looooook how cuute!!!! Absolutely worth every Smartie!!!

the smile!!!

my favorite shot!
Every newborn photography session there’s that one shot {sometimes there’s 2 or 10 shots} that make you fall in love with your job!! Here’s my favorite from Nori’s session!