Penny Richards
When I read this nomination it melted my heart! I personally know Penny and she has been a positive impact on my life for over 10 years.
Penny and her husband Ralph live down the street from my family. The way they treat each other is heart warming and endearing. We had them over for dinner a couple of years ago. When Penny would talk Ralph would look at her with a smile on his face and would patiently wait for her to finish what she was saying before he would chime in on the conversation. Penny would do the same when Ralph would talk. I’ve never heard them have an argument or a sharp word towards each other. Ralph takes care of cute Penny like she is his prized possession. I believe that he thinks she is a prize! I hope to achieve the type of marriage they have!
What makes cute Penny so special?
#1 Penny is 80 years old and every morning she walks up the hill by my house and back home to her house. It’s probably a total of half of a mile. But it’s uphill half the way. And she does it with a smile on her face.
#2 Penny plays the organ and piano beautifully. When I first met Penny I was accompanying the choir in our ward on the piano. She came to me and told me she loves to play the piano but that I do it so much better than her. And I thought how sweet of this cute lady! Then I heard her play…yeah, I do not play better than her at all! She is amazing. But what I found touching is that she took the time to come talk to me and compliment me and make me feel so good! I will never forget the first time I heard her play and realizing the gift she had given me of paying a genuine compliment. And the cool thing is that she meant it. She is so humble and loving that she sees others as such incredible people and lets them know!
#3 Penny has lived an amazing life! When we had Ralph and Penny over for dinner, they told us about their life! I think they have moved something like 15 times in their married life. She didn’t complain about uprooting her family, she counted it as one of the blessings of her life. Meeting so many people, allowing her kids to have so many experiences. Her life experiences are incredibly amazing!
#4 Penny has such a cute sense of humor! I had the pleasure of doing some Christmas pictures for Ralph and Penny. They each had a picture from their childhood that they wanted to try and recreate for their Christmas Card! It was so cute to watch her laugh as we tried to match the photo of her as a little girl! I think we did a pretty good job!
#5 Penny has the most positive outlook on life! One day when I asked her how she was doing she said “Pressing Forward”! She said that she used to say “Enduring to the end” but it sounds so gloomy so now she says “Pressing Forward”! And she lives her life with that level of positive outlook!
#6 Penny will help anyone who needs help. She is always looking out for her neighbors and making sure they are taken care of! She is willing to immediately stop what she was doing to check in on someone under her watch. Penny considers everyone to be someone under her watch and she will check in on you and ask you how you’re doing and if you need something that she can help with she will do so without hesitation!
Although I wasn’t the person who nominated Penny, I agree 100% that Penny Richards is one of the Good People that we need to celebrate!! Thank you Penny for being such an amazing example to me and for your friendship! I’m so grateful that you are part of my life!!
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