Hi! Welcome to my photo studio!

Welcome! This is my office here at the Cooley Collective Studios. I wanted to give you a little tour of our photo studio. Before we start on the tour I want to invite you to sign up for our Newborn Photography courses. The link is in the description below. If this is your first time to our channel click “like” on this video, subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell for notifications so that you’ll receive updates every time that we add a new video.
I just want to show you a little around my gorgeous photo studio and maybe give you a little tiny history and what I do in each of these studios.
This is obviously my office we moved my office into the cooley collective studios about 6 months ago a little bit before corona so I guess that would actually make it closer to 8 months ago and it has been a really big benefit to be able to be here and have my husband working from home and I’m working from here and it has been able to keep us off each other’s toes all day.

My family obviously on the wall they’re my why if you watch my videos through the baby photo academy you know that my family is my why and teach them that you can do hard things. So thats my cute little family
Our Photo Studio!
So follow me and we’re going to head into my photo studio into my shooting spaces. When we found this building the first time it was an overcast, cloudy day in december and the light that was still coming through these windows was so bright that we knew immediately that it would work for a natural light studio as well as photographers that use strobe lighting or continuous lighting. It just had so much light. The whole room was surrounded with light. So we knew that had to be my space.
The history of the building was so endearing it was a hospital built by a father after the loss of his son. He named the hospital for his son that’s why it is the Cooley Collective Studio for Doctor Cooley.

The top floor of this almost 100 year old hospital was the maternity suite. These two lower end areas were the recovery rooms for the moms. When we heard this was the maternity wing and I specialize in newborn photography it made it really even more powerful to me and I knew we needed this space.
The Brick Room
So we call this the brick room. When photographers rent the space from us they can rent individually each room or they can rent them as a whole. This brick room I always shoot with strobe lighting it’s got some beautiful natural light but it’s obviously a lot harsher so when i shoot in here I actually do bring in my strobe lighting. It has this adorable kitchen that we had professionally installed and this little sink in the corner we put little one year olds in after their cake smash and we give them a bubble bath in this sink. And that’s usually done with either natural lighting depending on the time of day or we bring in our strobes and shoot with strobe lighting but this is probably my favorite room.
We can have Alexa turn on some lights. “Alexa, turn on kitchen studio lights”. We do a lot of events here as well so it’s kinda fun to have some mood lighting for events.

The White Room
We call this the white room. This studio is our most frequently rented and it’s the easiest to shoot in because its just surrounded by light. When we installed all of our lighting we installed natural daylight white balance lighting so even new photographers can come in and the lights bounce off the floor so you don’t get terrible shadows like you would in a normal house lighting situation. And then obviously the light coming in from the windows is sometimes too much you have to really know your lighting to be able to play with your evening lighting but it is absolutely stunning.

We installed these gorgeous barnwood doors that allow us two things it does two things for us it allows us to close off the space and just have a smaller space to keep you client and it gives us another shooting background as well wen we do events we like to open it up and have both sides available so this is our white studio. The bed is kinda fun for children jumping on the bed. When we did Santa pictures we had Santa on the bed with the kids and we’d let the kids jump on the bed. A lot of lifestyle newborn sessions are done on the bed. It’s probably our most popular asked for prop so this will probably stay until the end of time or until the styles change! My next purchase I’m kind of interested in getting a wrought iron bed.
Extra Businesses
So we come down the hallway. Part of my business plan when acquiring this top floor was we knew we needed some overhead or different sources of revenue to cover our overhead. So we have some salons that sublet from me and another salon in the back corner. That helps pay our overhead and then this room we actually have a tenant signing today and we’re going to have a little jewelry store in the back corner. I told her that I couldn’t fund her rent by buying all of her jewelry because I really like jewelry! But we’re going to have another tenant there.
The Newborn Studio
Then of course my favorite room and the room that the history is the most endearing to me is our newborn studio. This room that you’re standing in right now 80 years ago was the Labor and Delivery room for the only hospital in Brigham City. So everybody born in Brigham City from 1935 until July 31 1976 was born right here. Our newborn studio. The props in the prop closet, our fabrics and our wraps are being displayed in the original shelving built in unit from the hospital. The tile is original. We wanted to keep as much of this space original so that we could kind of pay tribute to the doctors, a tribute to the nurses and a tribute to our community. We really love our little space! Check out one of my fun newborn sessions here!

So this is our space. Our studio. Cooley Collective Studios. 3000 square feet that we rent out to other photographers. We have our salons, we have our jewelry store. All here just as a creative collection which is why we called it Cooley Collective it’s a collection of different spaces they all kind of fit in my brand they are all creative people and we just work really well together.
Thank you for coming on this tour of my gorgeous photo studio. Remember to like this video, subscribe to my channel and click on the bell notifications. You’ll get updates when we post new videos. Also the link to our courses at the BabyPhotoAcademy.com is in the description below. Talk to you later! Bye!