Taylor and I LOVE when we get twins in the studio! We start off by assigning a baby to each of us! Taylor gets a baby and I get a baby! This is especially important if the babies are identical! We don’t want to mix them up!
I wrap baby A while Taylor oohs and aahs over baby B. Then I pass baby A over to Taylor temporarily while I wrap baby B! Then the magic starts! I photograph baby B solo then Taylor brings over Baby A for a few shots of the twins together! Then Taylor takes baby B while I get baby A’s solo shots!
We continue this process through multiple poses! Then we end the session with some solo shots of each baby!!

The set up we wanted the most was dad's antlers!!

I'll let you guess as to if they are fraternal or identical twins!

One of the best decisions I ever made for my business is to hire a newborn assistant! It changed my entire session flow! Taylor is amazing with these babies! She seems to be able to sense what I need before I even have to verbalize it. She doesn’t even mind when babies dribble down her legs!
This ability is even more valuable to me when we have multiples in the studio!
I am so grateful for her and her friendship!